Quantum Computing
Quantum Computing course
Lecture, Winter Semester 2019-2020, Wednesdays 10.15 in lecture theater E (HE), see Univis.
The exam (Klausur) and results may be viewed on Thursday March 12th at 10:00 in room 02.779.
Lecture notes can be found here: Quantum Computing Lecturenotes.
The last 3 lectures introduce Cirq and apply it to variational algorithms. These lectures will be based on these interactive Python notebooks:
Python notebook for first lecture on Cirq.
Python notebook for second lecture on Cirq.
Further Cirq tutorials can be found here.
The slides of the final lecture can be found here: Recap.pdfRecap.pdf
Tutorials, Wednesdays 16.00 in the physics CIP room. The tutorials will start on 23.10.2019.
Link to exercise sheets: sheet 1
Link to exercise sheets: sheet 2
Link to exercise sheets: sheet 3
Link to exercise sheets: sheet 4
Link to exercise sheets: sheet 5
Link to exercise sheets: sheet 6
Link to exercise sheets: sheet 7
Link to exercise sheets: sheet 8
Link to exercise sheets: sheet 9
Link to exercise sheets: sheet 10
Link to exercise sheets: sheet 11
Link to exercise sheets: sheet 12 (This is a Google colab i-Python notebook)