Month: October 2021

Quantum Computing course Lecture, Winter Semester 2021-2022, Tuesdays 14.15 in lecture theater E (HE), see Univis. Lecture notes can be found here: Quantum Computing Lecturenotes. After the lecture, there will be a 5-days block course on Qiskit and applications to variational algorithms. Y...

Kategorie: News, Teaching

Superconducting Qubits Lecture, Winter Semester 2021-2022, Wednesday 14.15 in seminar room 02.779, see Univis. You can find more information on the StudOn page: Link to join:

Kategorie: News, Teaching

Deutsche Museum received one of Google's Sycamore quantum processors as an exhibit for a quantum computing milestone. Prof. Dr. Michael Hartmann, who worked in the Google team when the milestone experiment was finalized, explained the significance of the experiment in the handover press conference. ...

Kategorie: News