
The Quromorphic Winter Workshop is getting closer! The Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen will host the first edition of the event from February 14th to 16th, 2023. Bringing together experimentalists, theorists and industry experts, the workshop aims to create synergies and st...

Kategorie: Allgemein, News

Quantum Computing course Lecture, Winter Semester 2022-2023, Tuesdays 14.15 in lecture theater E (HE), see Campo. Lecture notes can be found here: Quantum Computing Lecturenotes. You can find more information on the StudOn page Link to join: https:...

Kategorie: Allgemein, News, Teaching

Adriana Palffy-Buß has been appointed to a W2 professorship at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg starting from the first of April 2022. Adriana will lead a research group on x-ray quantum optics within the excellence cluster for "Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter" (ct.qmat). ...

Kategorie: Allgemein, News

On January 27th, the Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) initiative for the promotion of Quantum Sciences and Quantum Technologies in Bavaria, in which our Chair for Quantum Theory of FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg is a founding member, has been successfully established. Just one year after the Bavarian state gov...

Kategorie: Allgemein, News

Quantum Computing course Lecture, Winter Semester 2021-2022, Tuesdays 14.15 in lecture theater E (HE), see Univis. Lecture notes can be found here: Quantum Computing Lecturenotes. After the lecture, there will be a 5-days block course on Qiskit and applications to variational algorithms. Y...

Kategorie: News, Teaching